Thursday, March 1, 2007

starting over

So on Saturday I'm getting a chance to start over. I'm moving far away from M, not because of anything that has gone on, just for a really great job. I'm nervous about it, but I know it's the best thing for me & if I didn't have such a bad cold I'd be even more excited.

M & I have talked quite a bit (well for him it's a lot), in the past month since everything "blew up" and have come to a common ground. I think it is harder for me since he is already dating someone else & I'm not. It would have been hard to try to date someone in the month before I left, knowing that I would be moving so far away.

M & I love each other, but are not in love with each other. We will always have a very special place in our hearts for the other one. And with time my heartache will become less, I know, it's just been a long road.

I couldn't have made it without my friends, especially K! She always has just the right thing to say when you are feeling like the world is out to get you. I've said before that her mom was a brilliant lady with lots of wisdom to share & through emails these past few months with K, I've really missed seeing her smiling face, but I know she is up there looking down on all of us. Thanks Rowfully (nickname I use to call her) I miss & love you - you & your husband did a fantastic job raising your daughter, xxoo

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