Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday Confession

I have a confession to make - don't worry nothing really bad - I just need to get this off my chest . . . sooooo yesterday J, R, Ni (a Norwich student who's visiting & who I've sorta had to take under my wing for the time she's here b/c she's young/naive & was having a hard time here alone) and I were suppose to meet up last night for dinner - the boys were running late since they were coming from a rugby match, so we decided to meet up at a pub more centrally located. I think I knew this was a bad decision, since pubs = drinking more than eating & it was a Sunday night, but I wanted Ni to have a good time & she was really keen on the idea.

So after my long day of not really eating anything aside from strawberries & kiwis and 2 pieces of brown bread (that's what they call whole wheat - LOL) I started drinking cider (my fav drink). As you can guess since I can't recall the last time I drank any more than 1 glass of wine, after having 3 pints I was a bit tipsy! We decided to switch pubs, another pint of cider in me & I was ready for bed (to say the least). At 12.30am I finally said to J, I need to go home. We found Ni & R on the dance floor (making out btw) and told them we were leaving, they decided to come with us. Along the way J stopped off to get some McD's cause he was a bit peckish (hungry). While waiting for the bus J got impatient & just hailed a cab (very expensive way to travel) and we rode home in that (for a total of $60 - luckily I didn't have to pay for that!!!)

To back up for a second, the reason I'm staying at J&R's is that my flatmate's mum is here for the week & I offered them by bed & was going to stay on the couch. So around 1.30am lil miss drunk me got her pjs on, brushed her teeth, got a glass of water, & some how ended up in J's bed . . . we talked for a LONG time and did some other stuff & finally at 4am went to bed.

This morning when I left I apologized for being tipsy & promised I'd sleep on the couch tonight - J said "no way, you're staying here in my bed".

I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing - what am I thinking? Is this a good idea?!?!?!? Okay I really have to get back to work, but I wanted to post my Monday confessional.

Hope you had a good weekend!!!


Thursday, May 3, 2007

40 odd meme

1) You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
I guess no one. They all get what’s coming to them in the end.

2) You can flip a switch that will wipe any band or musical artist out of existence. Which one will it be?
I’m very musically tolerant, but I would get rid of ALL opera music!!!!!!!.

3) Who would you really just like to punch in the face?
No one at the moment, but there are times when I think that punching Rob would be fun!

4) What is your favorite cheese?
Feta or goat, it's a toss up.

5) You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient is at your immediate disposal. What kind will you make?
this changes often, but at the moment it's tuna mayonaise with salad (tomaote, cucumber, lettuce, onion).

6) You, Elvis, and Princess Diana are in a dog sled, fleeing across the Siberian wasteland with wolves in hot pursuit. The wolves are catching up fast. Who would you throw out to gain speed and why?
Elvis because he’s not a good singer - maybe I should have wiped him out of exsistence back in question #2.

7) You have the opportunity to sleep with the movie celebrity of your choice. We are talking no strings attached sex and it can only happen once. Who is the lucky celebrity?
No real desire to have no strings attached sex with a movie star - sorry I'm boring I guess.

8) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music celebrity of your choice. Who do you pick?
See above.

9) Now that you’ve slept with two different people in a row, you seem to be having an excellent day because you just came across a one hundred dollar bill on the sidewalk. Holy Shit. How are you gonna spend it?
Well that's not gonna get me very far here in London, but £50 would get me a nice dinner!

10) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
New Zealand for sure to visit my godfather's family!

11) Upon arrival to the aforementioned location, you get off the plane and discover another one hundred dollar bill. Now that you are in a new location, what are you gonna do?
Well it will last much longer, so I'd probably go scuba diving!

12) Your dream date. Who, where, and why?
not sure who, but a roof top terrace over looking a gorgeous landscape would be wonderful.

13) An angel appears out of heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. It is?
Magner's Cider hand down!

14) Okay, girls and gay guys stand over here, guys and lesbians, over there. Girls and gay guys first: You’re in bed with Marilyn, Monroe, Doris Day, and Salma Hayek. Who’s gonna be the lucky girl? And similarily, guys and lesbians: You’re in bed with Cary Grant, Paul Newman, and Johnny Depp. Who’s gonna be the lucky guy? Give your reasons.
Salma Hayek is gorgeous.

15) Rufus appears out of nowhere with a time traveling/phone booth. you can go anytime in the PAST. What time are you traveling to and what are you going to do when you get there?
I would go back to before my friend Karen killed herself & try to convince her not to go through with it.

16) You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule that you put into place?
No time - no clocks, watches etc - so you can never be late!

17) You have been given the opportunity to create the half hour TV show of your dreams. What is it called and what is it’s premise?
No clue, sorry, not in a creative mood right now

18) What is your favorite curse word?
"F*** Off" - just ask J I say it all the time to him (poor boy)

19) You have a choice of two doors. One of which you MUST go through. The first leads to a roomful of spiders, the second to a roomful of clowns. Which is it to be?
Clowns for sure.

20) Your house is on fire. You have just enough time to run in there and grab one inanimate object. So what’s the item?
Photo albums, since my fireproof safe will not be effected :).

21) One night, you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by mummies. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Scream bloody murder & hope someone comes to save me!22) You have George W.Bush and Osama bin Laden locked in a small room together. It’s airtight, so both are gonna suffocate anyway, but what amusing weapon do you give them?
Water guns for sure - they are so much fun!!!

23) The angel of death has descended upon you. Fortunately, the angel of death is pretty cool and in a good mood and it offers you a half hour to do whatever you want before you bite it. What are you going to do in that half hour?
Find J & talk to him face to face & then call my family & M in the states.

24) Truthfully, what underwear are you currently wearing?
purple pokodoted ones.

25)You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice. What is it going to be?
To fly!

26) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time span can only be a half hour, though. What half hour of your past would you like to experience again?
The ride to the airport when M brought me this past March - we had such a cool converstaion.

27) Moses trips on his robe and drops the stone tablets. Commandment 11 is broken off. He leaves it there as his back is killing him. What does it say?
Thou shall be OPEN minded on all subject!!!!!

28) You can erase any horrible experience of your past. What will it be?
I’ve really learned from my most horrible experience, which was this past fall with Matt & the baby, but I too don’t want to erase that. I just don’t want to repeat it.

29) Rufus reappears with the time machine and a custard pie. Who’s gonna get it?
I'm grabbing the pie & sharing it with the lab - LOL

30) You get kicked out of the country for being a time traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super powers. But, you can move to anywhere else in the world. What country are you going to live in now?
I reckon I'd go to Costa Rica & learn Spanish.

31) What part of your body would you change and why?
I’ve always wanted better abs.

32) You have been eternally banned from every single bar in the world except for ONE. Which one is it going to be?
Camden Tup - couldn't live without my local!

33) What’s the last thing you ate?
thai green curry chicken on a small brown roll

34) Suddenly you have gained the power to float. Who are you going to show this to first?
I'd float to America & surprise everyone I know over there

35) The constant absorption of magical moonbeams mixed with the radio-active vegetables you consumed earlier has given you the power to resurrect the dead celebrity of your choice. So which celebrity will you bring back to life?
River Phoenix

36) The celestial gates of Beyond have opened. Much to your surprise, Death appears. As it turns out, once again, Death is actually a pretty cool entity and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family member/person of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
My friend Karen from HS

37) What’s your theme song?
Suddenly I See by K.T. Tunstall - LOVE IT!!!!

38) When did you last have sex?
I don't want to answer this question as it's been too long & I think I could have gotten some on Friday night if I'd been a bit more "with it"

39) Buffy, Willow, or Xander?
no clue.

40) Who’s up next? You are, so get to it! Pretty please.


So Friday after work I was rather knackered, but just before leaving the office I checked my phone & there was a txt message from R saying he was just round the corner & did I fancy meeting up for some dinner. To be honest I thought about it for awhile before I decided, well I have to eat, so I may as well grab a bit to eat before going home. We found a Thai place a few blocks away & had a great meal. Of course when that was done he wanted to go to the pub for a few drinks - not being super keen on the idea, I thought I'd go for one, just to be social, but then I'd slip away & head home. So we walked north for about 30 minutes and headed into the Tup (his local pub). He ordered our usual, Corona for him & Sprite for me. While we were chit-chatting with the staff (as we know them all pretty well) I was sitting on the bar stool with my back to the door & felt this sudden jolt as if someone was trying to push me off the stool, at the same time I heard, "jeez you let anyone in these days, even the damn yanks" followed by hysterical laughter from all around us. It was J who has just popped in after a long day of watching the telly (rough life huh?!?!?!)
As I'm sure I've explained before drinks are bought in rounds so as more people show up it's harder & harder to leave b/c either drinks are being bough for you or you have to buy for the new comers . . . so I didn't leave after that first half pint of lemonade like I had planned. But ya know how those nights when we planned bugger all always turned out to be the best, well this was a good example & I so wish you had been there - you would have had so much fun - it was just like the "old days" when we all got on & could just talk about anything & everything.
I'm not exactly sure how it was that J & I started talking somewhat privately, but it just sorted ended up that way at one point & we started off speaking about R & his recent inability to filter his mouth when at the pub & how he'd been pissing off some people, including both of us b/c it's embarrassing when he says something really off colour in mixed company! From there I think J got sight of this "beautiful blond American girl at the end of the bar" & we started talking about how it was so great that we're in a place now that we can openly talk about each others relationships & yet still remain such good friends. Now understand a few hours has passed I'm about to turn into a lemonade & J's had a few pints of San Miguel (so the honesty from his end is becoming more apparent). He went over to try to chat up the Californian & I turned back to speak with R & others.
After about 20 minutes I was trapped in a bear hug & felt someone breathing in my ear - for fear I might get a tongue in my ear I struggled a bit, until I heard what was being said, "how's my angel doing?"
"you're my angel, don't you know that sweetheart"
NO, what do you mean?
Releasing me I turned to face him so we could talk more easily. Alcohol induced honesty starts to flow . . . I can't say verbatim what he said, but this is along the lines, "Rasputin, the hardest part about breaking up with you was that you're such a wonderful person & we were getting to be really good friends, our schedules just didn't work & you deserved more than I was going to be able or willing to give you. I've never known someone who could be so honest, friendly & loyal - those are the most important things to me ever since being a booty (that's what the marines call themselves during basic training) we were that way when we dated & amazingly we were able to keep it up after. I can honestly say, if you hadn't come back I don't know what I would have done without you."
I guess at this point my face sorta made some contorted look (not in a bad way just more confused - I sorta thought he felt this way, but he'd never said it outright & to hear it was almost weird.
He continued on, Yeah I know I never say this stuff, but you are truly important in my life, I have never had an ex girlfriend remain friends with me & don't even know of a girl who I've been this close with.
I was speechless & just gave him a huge smile, he blushed a bit & then immediately changed subjects to the movie JackAss2. Looking at my mobile it was about 11pm at this point & I was starting to feel like I should go home. The next round was mine & Tim (bartender) said "Rasputin you need a real drink by now" so I ordered a Corona. We stayed for 2 more rounds (3 Corona for me). Jim started to try to convince me to come back to his place, have a glass of wine & watch JackAss2 with them. I sorta thought about it & felt the best choice was to say yes so as not to argue but then when we get on the bus they'd forget & I could just get off at my stop (5 before theirs). Pub closed at midnight, we stayed till 12.30 (knowing the owner has it's benefits) then headed toward the bus, along the way J grabbed my hand & said, promise you'll spend the night - I just sorta smiled & got onto the bus. It was absolutely heaving full of people & so in typical J & R style they chatted with those around us. The trip home is about 45 minutes, but after about 25 most people get off & we were able to get some seats. My stop came & I tried to make my way to the door to get off but the boys were not keen to this, so I was held on the bus - to the horror of a little old couple watching it all go down & probably thought I was going to be gang-raped or something horrible like that.
We walked back to their place, all got into the living room - R was so drunk he stared to wash the dishes by hand & J grabbed the DVD & put it in his room - I said, how are we going to all watch it. He said, I can't be asked to open up the bed for you, just kip in my room. I turned & headed towards J's room - R said, "oh Jesus now I'm gonna be up all night". Much to R's dismay we did not keep him up by having sex all night long - we just chatted for a bit & then both fell asleep, woke up at 11.00 the next morning & watched JackAss2, before going to get breakfast with R. It was a bit weird to stay in his bed, but at the same time it just felt like normal. While I was brushing my teeth (with my finger & toothpaste) before we went for breakfast I over heard J say to R, noway, she wasn't drunk enough for me to try anything. I was giggling rather hard when I came out of the bathroom, he blushed - I smiled & said lets go. We went for breakfast & then I went back to mine for a shower & to get on with the rest of my day.
So that's the BIG story - I guess it's not super exciting for others really, no good sex stories, but I've been back over a month now & this was the first time that he & I had really sat down & chatted totally uninhibited & just like old times. It's just always nice to hear, ya know?
Okay I MUST get back to work now . . .
